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Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Who Takes Care of the Caregiver?
Photo by CDC on Unsplash Our moments of "unkind" and "mean" happen most when we are depleted. If you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired;...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
When Does Care Become Harm?
Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash Children need love and connection, and they also need practice in contributing to a larger community....

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
What's It Like to be You?
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash Beliefs are not an intellectual construct, they are an emotional one. Our feelings are always connected to...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Crisis Shows Up in Your Addictions and Distractions
Any chronic distraction creates an artificial balance in your wellbeing. When you train your brain to continuously avoid painful felt...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
5 Things to Do in Crisis
Crisis creates space. By its nature, it develops a ‘hole’, a rip in time and a kind of deafening silence that for most of us, feels...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Your Children Will Embarrass You
Easy choices. Hard life. Hard choices. Easy life. Jerzy Gregorek Our role in supporting children is to help them make hard choices in...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
How Do We Repair What is Broken?
Crisis arrives because we are alive. Crisis is the Mother of all Undos. Crisis comes because death comes because life comes. We cannot...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Are You a Digital Addict?
Photo by Diego Passadori on Unsplash We are on our devices too much. We rely on all of these distractions and pings of dopamine to get us...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
If You Hurt Me I Will Hurt You More
Photo by Christian Newman on Unsplash If the price for disrespect, discomfort or failure is public shaming, we eliminate the very...
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