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Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Brain Based Workplace — 4 Strategies to Help Employees and Executives Optimize Productivity
In an interview with Sam Harris, Daniel Goleman states, “As your mind is, your life becomes.’ Goldman talks about screen time as...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
Plight of Early Adaptors
We survived by telling stories. We survived by creating lies. We arrive on this small blue planet very late. This massive interconnected...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Can We Gamify Trust Building in Workplace Culture?
Trust is not just about spending time with staff. Building trust in a workspace requires more than time for coffee chats, team building...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
What Are We Doing About What Technology Takes Out?
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash Technology is moving into the educational sphere in an ever-increasing way. The BC Ed Learning Plan...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
CDs and Paradigm Shifts
Back in the technology boom of the 90's, I was an avid reader of the magazine Fast Company. I still have some of the articles, tucked in...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
5 Things to (Not) Do in Crisis
After struggling with symptoms of severe adrenal failure, my sister was finally feeling the benefits of a strengthening recovery. She...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Happiness is a Muscle
Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash Recently I watched and rewatched a PBS special on happiness. The documentary examined the growing study...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
Training Your Brain For Transformation
I have to admit to one of my guilty pleasures in order to give this blog post some context. I love watching the TV show, “The Biggest...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Middle Aged Brain on Twitter
In an ever-growing attempt to acquaint myself in the digital land, I have decided to use part of my winter break navigating twitter....

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Building a Dream With Dirt
A miracle is something impossible with an old story but possible with a new one” Charles Einenstein On Monday night, I went to a talk...
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