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Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Brain Based Workplace — 4 Strategies to Help Employees and Executives Optimize Productivity
In an interview with Sam Harris, Daniel Goleman states, “As your mind is, your life becomes.’ Goldman talks about screen time as...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
Martyrs Make Terrible Caregivers
There are many ways a child will use a Kleenex inside my counselling space. There is the one-blow-and-trash-it method; the...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Story of My Red Pants
Where are the places and memories that have brought you great wounds and great suffering?

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Where is the Silence?
There is no Sleepy Hollow on the internet, no peaceful spot where contemplativeness can work its restorative magic. There is only the...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
1 min read
Physical Chores Calm Our Nervous System
We survived by working together in collectives. Physical chores help calm your nervous system, help build resilience and problem solving...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
1 min read
Don't Tell Me to Smile!
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash If I am asking you to so something you don't feel like doing, I am not helping you, in fact I am...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
What Are We Doing About What Technology Takes Out?
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash Technology is moving into the educational sphere in an ever-increasing way. The BC Ed Learning Plan...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Some Suffering is Necessary
When my mother was a little girl in Northern Italy on a small family farm, she would  watch baby chicks hatch out of their eggs. She was...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
1 min read
Be Still
It is evening, we are both tired from the travelling and colds that keep lingering in our lungs. We sit outside the balcony of our unit...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Fear is Easy
Photo by Fillipo Ruffini on Unsplash Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember our...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Fear Can't Win
I am sitting across from a client. We have worked together over the last few years so I have been able to witness some significant and...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Your Brain on Uncertainty
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash Brains love uncertainty. What? You just finished writing a post about how brains love certainty and now...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Your Brain on Certainty
I am very fond of certainty. I have written about my addiction to certainty in one of my other blogs. Certainty is about the desire to...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Your Brain on Routine
One of my favourite sayings is "slow and steady wins the race," probably because this pretty much defines everything I do. Â I don't do...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Power of Community
I am once again staring out at miserable rain and snow. Â It is March. Â Spring is just around the corner. Outside my window there are big...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Can We Teach Children to be Happy?
I am at a school meeting attended by a classroom teacher, a resource teacher, a school administrator, a  support worker and myself as a...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
When is Cheese No Longer Cheese?
My love affair for cheese is well documented. Â You can see my blog post on my cheese making course experience here. Â If I ever go to...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Youtube, Netflix and the New Normal
All of that practice in social engagement helps us learn to regulate our own feelings. Â It helps us practice those all important social...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
A Label is Not a Solution
Schools are looking for ways to best serve a diverse group of students. One of the ways students qualify for additional support is...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Your Brain on Lonely
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash I am talking to a group of university undergrad students via Skype. Â The topic is neuroplasticity and...
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