Electronic Culture:
n Favours quick responses, quick results and efficient outcomes.
n Does not utilize our bodies and movement, which is where social, emotional learning takes place.
n Does not provide the repetitive practice required to help children learn social cues, emotional responses and collective behaviors such as sharing, taking turns and negotiating needs.
n Homes need to put back in, what electronic time takes away:
n Unstructured play, Outdoor activity
n Quiet environments
n Eye Hand Activities and Single Focus Activities
n Human connection and interaction
n Take small steps and Repeat them daily
n Reinforce success
n Create consistent routines
n Do less
n Have less
n Engage the whole family in making changes. Make sure everyone is resourced when having challenging conversations
n Repeat material to mastery and honor the process of repeating material and learning from mistakes
n Create intense learning opportunities – the greater the intensity the more impact it has on your brain
n Repetition is important. It takes 10-31k to create new neural pathways.
n Have 3 minute high intensity aerobic/ movement breaks
n Eat meals together with no electronic devices including the TV
n Have 30 minute family time where all electronic devices are shut off and everyone is gathered in the same location
n Initiate 20 minute family walks
n Work together on a project – puzzles, Lego buildings, art projects, baking, ect.
n All members of the household should have chores. Provide consistent expectations.
n Morning and evening routines are the most important. Make them easy and predictable.
Digital Guidelines for Children:
n 0-3 years – Everything except video chatting, high quality TV programming.
n 3-5 years – One hour a day, watch with child, avoid apps, fast paced programs.
n 6 years and up – one hour or more physical activity, 10-12 hours of sleep every night, No more than 20 hours of gaming/app play a week.
n General Recommendations:
· Avoid using devices as a way to calm child down,
· No screen time one hour before bed,
· Bedrooms/mealtimes/parent-child playtimes should be screen free.