It is evening, we are both tired from the travelling and colds that keep lingering in our lungs.
We sit outside the balcony of our unit watching a beautiful sunset. I have a glass of wine in my hand.
We have a magnificent view. We are silent.
We let the sound of water breathing in and out be our voice.
I am very aware that this is a privilege most people on the planet cannot afford. The 2/3's of the global population living on $2 a day or less, the African famines, the Syrian crisis. There is plenty of pain to go around.
For the moment, I am grateful that I can be here. I can see, hear, feel and be in a magnificent space. All my senses are still able.
That is all I am going to do for the next few days. Write. Walk. Swim. Breathe. Eat. Drink. And feel the utter gift that I have all the resources I need to be still.
Be still.