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Dr. Emi Garzitto
1 min read
Look at Me When You Say Thank You
Workplace culture takes place in the small repeated micro practices of all of its members. It is not the large initiatives, one time...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Redefining Work Breaks
Breaks can be used to improve workplace culture, support staff wellness and the building of resilience skills. If you need help trying...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
The Myth of the Family Dinner
How many meals do you eat together as one household per week? How many meals do you eat together as one household undistracted? Not in...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Can You Teach Social Emotional Skills from a Box?
You cannot teach social emotional skills with just words, visuals, research and stellar lesson plans. You have to do the work. You need...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
1 min read
Small Steps Big Changes
The benefits of including small focused interruptions in workplace culture Building resilient workplace cultures is not complicated. It...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
The Art of the Open Face
Take away that face and facial recognition pattern and you have a nervous system that is unable to take care of itself. And that is a...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
What Are We Doing About What Technology Takes Out?
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash Technology is moving into the educational sphere in an ever-increasing way. The BC Ed Learning Plan...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Resilience and Video Games
Easy to learn, hard to master. This is the goal of every video game developer. Â It is the hallmark of the gaming industry. Â It allows a...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
A Label is Not a Solution
Schools are looking for ways to best serve a diverse group of students. One of the ways students qualify for additional support is...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
It Always Takes Longer Than You Think!
If I don't write it in my calendar, it is not going to happen. If a task is not on my list, I have a 50-50 chance of forgetting it. Â Ah,...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Power of More Than One
I am once again staring out at miserable rain and snow. Â It is March. Â Spring is just around the corner. Outside my window there are big...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Can We Teach Happiness?
I am at a school meeting attended by a classroom teacher, a resource teacher, a school administrator, a  support worker and myself as a...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
How to Teach Anxiety (Part Two)
All of our interactions and responses influence those around us. The adults in the primary support system for children have a tremendous...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
How to Teach Anxiety (Part One)
Stress is a normal part of our everyday experience, yet, increasingly we are finding children who are challenged with the practice of...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
My Addiction to Certainty
Two years ago, I saw an interview with Tony Robbins, a popular motivational speaker who talked about six core values that drive...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Happiness is a Muscle
Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash Recently I watched and rewatched a PBS special on happiness. The documentary examined the growing study...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
Training Your Brain For Transformation
I have to admit to one of my guilty pleasures in order to give this blog post some context. I love watching the TV show, “The Biggest...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Why the Word Bully Does Not Work
One of the great learning in my years as a vice principal, through countless investigations of disputes of all kinds, rarely will you...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Antidote to Addiction is Connection
Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection. Joahan Hari There is a classic...

Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Fear Can't Win
Success comes in small steps, repeated thousands of times. It is the behaviours, the doing that bring about our heart's desires. It is...
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